Saturday, February 16, 2008


Saturdays are always such an exciting day around our household. There is minimal sleeping in as the boy has bowling at 9:30. Then it's home to have some lunch and of course, attack the never ending laundry pile. Then he and the hubby head off to baseball practice at 3 to 5, then it is usually home for supper and some TV and eventually bed, with some homework mixed in there somewhere. Many times, though, we also end up with 2 to 3 more boys for the weekly sleepover. (Am I putting anyone else to sleep yet???) Well, tonight the boy has a birthday party/sleepover to attend while the girl is spending the day with her boyfriend at his hockey games than on to dinner out. So, we are going out with our own friends. Of course, we came upon them through our son's friend and the friend will also be at the sleepover. Sounds like a good night for a late night out on the town! Expect us home by 10! lol Oh well. Maybe when we hit 50.


ABW said...

I spent the afternoon helping my mom clean. Talk about exciting! It's 9:17 and I am contemplating going to bed. I'm old.

Blogging for Friends said...

I hate helping my mother clean. Then again, I would hate helping anyone clean with FIVE dogs. Yep, she added to her brood with a 1 year old Bichon Frise. At least he doesn't shed!

ABW said...

She can live with my inlaws and their 6 dogs. Insane I tell ya!

Leslie said...

hey stranger- ncie to see you in the blogosphere :)

Blogging for Friends said...

I give my mom credit.......none of hers have been allowed to procreate and certainly not on the family couch! Grosssssss!

Blogging for Friends said...

Hey Leslie. How are things? ABW has kept me abreast of your life here and there. It's been awhile!

Leslie said...

i know- as boring as i feel like i am- it is always something different with me :P
got my first tattoo today- i will put it in my blog in a second as soon as i am done with dinner (bacon and chocolate cream pie) YUM but bad for me- salad for lunch tomorrow!
i cant believe your daughter is 17. What i remember of her was that chrismas card when you were so worried because it looked like she had boobies. Kids are so old now!